Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Dad!

Let's face it - reaching 70 years old is quite a feat. My Dad managed to accomplish this on Saturday & I wanted to make him a special card. He's a funny guy, my Dad. He's a little French guy from the island St. Pierre et Miquelon, the last French owned territory located near Newfoundland. He loves good food, good wine and good company. This little fat chef from SU!'s Voilà just seemed to fit him. I was inspired by this card from SCSer BabblingBrooks


STAMPS: Voilà, Sincere Salutations, Classic Numbers
PAPER: Close to Cocoa, Certainly Celery, Bashful Blue, Whisper White
INK: Palette Noir
ACCESSORIES: Goo Gone (instead of Gamsol), Faber-Castell Polychromos Colored Pencils, Blending Stumps, Dimensionals, Ribbon


Anonymous said...

Perfect! I bet he loved it.

Victoria said...

I love how you shaded him and how you matted the image. Great card.

Anonymous said...

Great card, Nadine! LOVE it! Hope your dad had a wonderful birthday! I'm sure he loved the card!

Anonymous said...

love this card! one of my favorite sets too!

Ashley Newell said...

What a fun card! He'll love it! Happy birthday to your dad!

Helen said...

I'm sure your dad loved this card - it's perfect!